Saturday 29 February 2020

Macro Economic News 29 Feb 2020

African youth on life and work are confident of ‘my future is here’ as two-thirds of respondents to survey say this is the start of the “African Century”. Nigeria confirms first case of coronavirus in sub-Saharan Africa while health experts warn that the region is ill-equipped to deal with a potential pandemic. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell signalled the central bank was prepared to cut interest rates if needed to cushion the economy against the effects of a widening global slowdown. Official gauges of China’s factory and non-factory activity plunged in February as the nation’s economy struggled with the coronavirus epidemic although the outstanding amount of temporary money the Federal Reserve has added to the financial system fell by a notable amount this week. German inflation and jobless figures boost Eurozone despite companies, across globe, revealing stark initial effects. Indian economic growth slows, while Brazil is likely to cut 2020 GDP forecast and forecasters downgrading U.S. economic outlook, although Indian FinMin says that economy has bottomed out as 'steadiness' in economy, with Q3 GDP growth at 4.7%, is a good sign. US-India Business Council confirms about a larger trade deal between New Delhi and Washington to have better outcome.

Best Regards, ARBIND
29 Feb 2020

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