Friday 12 June 2020


Macro Economic News 12 Jun 2020

The U.S. economy will be in recovery by the third quarter of this year, economists said in a survey that also concluded the labor market will fare better than previously expected following the effects of the pandemic though states continue to work through a backlog of claims, new applications for unemployment benefits have trended down since the pandemic triggered a surge in claims at the end of March. The net worth of U.S. households saw a record decline in the first three months of this year as the pandemic sent shock waves through the economy and caused equity prices to plummet. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the administration is weighing getting behind a second round of stimulus payments for Americans as part of an economic relief package Congress is likely to consider next month.

UNCTAD highlights of Global goods trade falling 27% in Q2 after 5% decline in first quarter while Chief Economic Advisor of India says, GDP growth may dip this year whereas CRISIL foresees passenger vehicle volumes to shrink to decadal low in fiscal 2021 and ICRA mentions about average monthly rating downgrades rising 22% amid Covid-19 pandemic.









MARKETS (08:30 am)

[I]  SGX NIFTY Fut: 9618;  USDINR DGCX: 76.0175;  DJIA Mini: 25329;  FTSE 100 Fut: 6051;  NIKKEI 225 Fut: 22131;  EUR-USD: 1.1290; Crude Oil (WTI): 35.44;  Gold (Spot): 1726

Best Regards, ARBIND
12 Jun 2020

Thursday 11 June 2020


Macro Economic News 11 Jun 2020

The OECD warns of deep economic scars and the global economy suffering the biggest peace-time downturn in a century before it emerges next year from recession. It forecasts, second pandemic wave would inflict big economic cost, and a deeper recession in UK than other rich nations. It cautions - a second wave of lockdowns would deal a terrible blow to a global economy already facing a severe contraction. OECD India economist sees India’s economic growth profile will be ‘W’ shaped if the virus outbreak recurs.
The U.S. Federal Reserve signalled it plans years of extraordinary support for an economy facing a torturous slog back from the pandemic, with policymakers projecting the economy to shrink 6.5% in 2020 and the unemployment rate to be 9.3% at year's end. FED officials also signalled plans to keep interest rates near zero for years (through 2022) while the U.S. Labor Department said that a “misclassification error” has caused the unemployment rate to be lower than it would have been otherwise. China’s factory-gate deflation accelerates as Industrial prices fell at their fastest pace in more than four years as the pandemic crushed global demand for commodities.

Fitch sees revenue destruction of $8.5 trillion in global corporate portfolio by 2022 while it sees the Indian economy growing 9.5% next fiscal but warns of high debt-to-GDP ratio could strain India's sovereign rating although S&P reaffirms India’s BBB- sovereign ratings retaining at the lowest investment grade for 13th year in a row. A study finds 80 per cent working Indians experiencing income loss while OECD said that India's economy could contract by as much as 7.3% in FY21 in the event of second Covid outbreak.








MARKETS (09:00 am)

[I]  SGX NIFTY Fut: 10074;  USDINR DGCX: 75.9100;  DJIA Mini: 26750;  FTSE 100 Fut: 6262;  NIKKEI 225 Fut: 22882;  EUR-USD: 1.1376; Crude Oil (WTI): 38.46;  Gold (Spot): 1733

Best Regards, ARBIND
11 Jun 2020

Wednesday 10 June 2020


Macro Economic News 10 Jun 2020

Think tank believes that the universal basic income is the key to U.K. Recovery. “Everything was falling into place, and now it’s all paused.” Covid-19 brought a crushing end to one of the most promising economies in recent memory for black workers and business people. That’s one cause of the protests that have roiled the nation. A top economic adviser to President Trump said the White House “would definitely support” another round of aid to shore up the economy as U.S. businesses begin to reopen amid the coronavirus pandemic. The central bank reduces minimum and raises maximum loan limits in an effort to reach more small and midsize businesses. France unveils €15bn aid package to ‘save’ its aerospace industry while Japan's machinery orders, wholesale prices sink as pandemic hits business spending and China producer price deflation deepens on global demand slump. South Korea jobless rate jumps to 10-year high amid pandemic although Australian consumer confidence rebounds as infections contained.
Govt has given more leeway and allows startups to issue sweat equity for 10 years after registration. Early-stage investments rise during lockdown, even as investments in start-ups plunge 57% in May while FDI from Cayman Islands to India jumps three-fold to $3.7 bn in 2019-20. India Inc woos labourers with healthcare, hostels to get them back at work. Ironically, India is ill-equipped to live with the virus as the pandemic’s total human cost there has in many ways already been among the worst in the world.









MARKETS (08:30 am)

[I]  SGX NIFTY Fut: 10085;  USDINR DGCX: 75.6650;  DJIA Mini: 27430;  FTSE 100 Fut: 6356;  NIKKEI 225 Fut: 23115;  EUR-USD: 1.1344; Crude Oil (WTI): 38.24;  Gold (Spot): 1716

Best Regards, ARBIND
10 Jun 2020