Friday 1 May 2020


Macro Economic News 01 May 2020

The White House let its 2-week-old economic reopening guidelines expire on Thursday as half of all U.S. states forged ahead with their own strategies for easing restrictions on restaurants, retail and other businesses shuttered by the coronavirus crisis. The Main Street Lending Program, unveiled earlier this month, will now allow larger businesses to participate, and it will relax minimum-loan amounts to help more small businesses. Consumer spending, the U.S. economy’s key driver, fell 7.5% in March, the steepest monthly decline in records tracing back to 1959. Household incomes fell 2%. The huge first-quarter decline in Europe portends deep pain and wide economic divergences in 2020. Workers in Germany and Japan are likely to weather an expected global recession better than their U.S. peers, thanks in part to stronger job-retention programs, recent data suggest. The European Central Bank rolled out its cheapest ever loans for eurozone banks and said it would consider expanding a €750 billion bond-buying program, amplifying its firepower to contain the economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic. India's film industry, purveyor of song-and-dance spectacles to millions, will take at least two years to recover financially from the pandemic, which is threatening big-ticket projects, putting at risk tens of thousands of jobs. India is set to provide up to 100% credit guarantees for small business loans while eight infra industries’ growth contracts 6.5% during March.

Best Regards, ARBIND
01 May 2020

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