Tuesday 2 February 2021

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Wishing A Buoyant Day Ahead.


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Macro-Economic News 02 Feb 2021


India turns on the spending taps with a gross market borrowing of ₹12.05-lakh crore, emphasizing infra spending as well as capacity building along. One-person companies, boost to the start-up ecosystem, measures for MSME, and ease of business are some of the forwarding measures announced by FM, although fiscal deficit pegged at 9.5% with a target of 6.8% for FY22. The government intended to continue on its path of fiscal consolidation to reach a fiscal deficit of below 4.5% of gross domestic product (GDP) by 2025-2026. India’s massive borrowing compels the central bank to conquer yields.

Pockets of inflation are flickering across parts of Asia and fading in others, impacting central banks’ scope to further support economies. South Korea inflation speeds up. Italy’s export-dependent factories thrive but Spain lags behind while The US and UK chart different courses on worker rights. Fed policymakers, like lawmakers, split on the need for more fiscal aid. The Congressional Budget Office forecasts that the U.S. economy will grow faster this year than projected earlier.

The cycle of credit expansion and contraction that typically happens at approximately 60-70 years typically collides with the generational cycle of approximately 70-80 years in the economic history of major economies often leads to nation-changing social, political, and economic upheaval. India has a lot of similarities in the current scenario and the scenario in the decade following the world-war II.


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