Wednesday 10 February 2021

 Embrace Thy Cuddling Bear Hug of Life

Wishing A Comforting Day Ahead


Best Regards




Macro-Economic News 10 Feb 2021


A question to ponder: a working week of four days for 12 hours a day, five days for 10 hours a day, or six days for eight hours a day 

U.S. Job opportunities rise to a five-month high while the Korean jobless rate climbs to a 20-year peak. India is moving with a balanced approach to saving and spending. That is leading to a slow but steady pullback. The global food stocks are sharply depleting - leading to a sharp rise in food price. FAO's food price index rose to its recent highest while rising steadily for almost ten months. China’s producer prices rose for the first time in a year in January, while consumer prices fell back into deflation. Interestingly the number of newborn registration in China drops by 15% in 2020.

While the global efforts are concentrated on dealing with the distressing circumstances, the scientists warn about the ‘unpredictable’ Covid evolution. This could further deteriorate the already falling global migration challenging economic recovery. The average household savings are depleting fast. According to a survey, almost half of American citizens have lost nearly one-third of their savings during the last year. 

The cost-of-fund appears rising despite the govt boosting the fiscal expenditure along with encouragement for private sectors. 10-year bonds issued by some states are crossing a 7% yield mark. The International Energy Agency (IEA) foresees India overtaking the European Union to become the third-largest energy consumer in the world by 2030. 


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