Friday 12 June 2020


Macro Economic News 12 Jun 2020

The U.S. economy will be in recovery by the third quarter of this year, economists said in a survey that also concluded the labor market will fare better than previously expected following the effects of the pandemic though states continue to work through a backlog of claims, new applications for unemployment benefits have trended down since the pandemic triggered a surge in claims at the end of March. The net worth of U.S. households saw a record decline in the first three months of this year as the pandemic sent shock waves through the economy and caused equity prices to plummet. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the administration is weighing getting behind a second round of stimulus payments for Americans as part of an economic relief package Congress is likely to consider next month.

UNCTAD highlights of Global goods trade falling 27% in Q2 after 5% decline in first quarter while Chief Economic Advisor of India says, GDP growth may dip this year whereas CRISIL foresees passenger vehicle volumes to shrink to decadal low in fiscal 2021 and ICRA mentions about average monthly rating downgrades rising 22% amid Covid-19 pandemic.









MARKETS (08:30 am)

[I]  SGX NIFTY Fut: 9618;  USDINR DGCX: 76.0175;  DJIA Mini: 25329;  FTSE 100 Fut: 6051;  NIKKEI 225 Fut: 22131;  EUR-USD: 1.1290; Crude Oil (WTI): 35.44;  Gold (Spot): 1726

Best Regards, ARBIND
12 Jun 2020

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